Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Look into My Future! =)

When I got this assignment, I had the giggles. No, I am not crazy, the reason why I giggled is because I have a five year plan with my boyfriend. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 years now and he for somewhat reason wants to get married now. I told him I wasn't ready yet because we are too young. So I came up with a five year plan, it gives me enough time for both of us to improve.

My five year goals are
1) Get a job that will give me stability and that will allow me to travel for my career.
2) Own our first condo together.
3) Get married and have kids before I'm 30.

In order to achieve number one, I will have to start looking for study/work abroad opportunities for this summer. I have to graduate from Baruch with a BBA degree. For me to accomplish number 2, I have to start saving with my boyfriend now. We are currently putting money into a savings account every month. We have to start looking at the price range and neighborhoods that we want to live in. In order to accomplish number 3, I have to accomplish number 1 and 2. I need number one because I want to have children when I have enough money to raise them. I need number 2 so I can provide a great living environment for my kids to grow. This might sound pretty silly to many of you but this is my goals to accomplish in five years!


lena_ny said...

I was giggling too when i was reading your blog entry. And I'm not crazy either... It's just I have pretty much the same goals for the next 5-6 years, except I'm already married and have one kid on its way:)) But I think your all3 of your goals are 100% achievable, they are simple and simple things is what make people happy.

V said...

thank you for the support! Good Luck with your goals! =D

Ansphere said...

oh wow this is wonderful!! its good that you have the next 5-6 years planned out already. your right in order to have kids, you need to be quite stable and have enough money to support them as well as your current lifestyle.

wrestleadove said...

Definitely expand your goals also by quantifying to make it more realistic. For example, thinking about how many kids are you planning to have or what year will you have the condo by? But I definitely agree that all these plans are achievable as well!

F00TBaLL_3089 said...

Those are goals I am sure you will achieve because your goals are similar to many but no one really thinks it out through. Thinking about the future also means thinking about realistic possibilities and you seem to have one that you can probably even complete in 4 years. Good luck with your boyfriend and making sure your plans go according to the order you have it because that is the best combination. Traveling is one thing I expect to do myself and definitely before I have kids if I want to enjoy it with my hubby to

wenting mou said...

I was shocked that you are planning to get married at 20 cause i'm in the same age with you but I never think about marriage. It sounds like a big plan but takes too long. Instead of consider marriage as a plan i preffer to say it just is a serious decision. Maybe i focus too much on myself, my career after graduate from college. Anways good luck for you and your big goal.

German Fernandez said...

The fact that you and your boyfriend are planning to achieve your goals together is great. For one, it may be easier to achieve goals with the help and support of someone else, especially if it's the person you love. All of your goals are definitely reachable with patience, time, and effort. It's great that you are saving money every month for the future, especially with how the economy is now. Saving is a difficult thing to do but I'm sure it will pay off in the end. Best of luck to you.

P.S. If someone is passionate about a dream or a goal it is never silly so go for it!

Jenny said...

It would be easier to achieve your goals with your boyfriend because the supports work better. I know to have condo in New York city is not easy and it's expensive. work hard and good luck to you.

XC chick said...

It's awesome that you two have set plans to achieve in 5 years, it's a good idea to give deadlines to things so that you never get distracted, good luck.

Nick said...

Congratulations on deciding not to get married right now :) While I think it's great that you and your boyfriend have been together for five years, I personally think that waiting for a few years is the right thing to do. In fact, I am in a similar situation and also realized that our lives are going to change dramatically once we graduate. I especially like your second vision, because that is also one of my main goals. I am sure that with the support of you your boyfriend you will be able to own a really nice place some day.

fOnt said...

Great goals! Financial stability is definitely important if you're considering kids. I think you made a good decision in delaying the marriage and setting personal goals for yourself. Good luck! I hope all your goals come true!

RockyRocksMGT said...

I finally find someone else who agrees that they should get married before 30. I'm on a quest right now on looking for the right girl. I'm pretty sure you get asked the same question as people ask me, aren't you a guy...why do you want to get married so young.

Boris Badalov said...

I too would like to have a job, kids, and be married by the age 30. It seems like a hard task , but if you could say it , than you could 100% do it. Good Luck

Xiaaaaa said...

I am glad u find one that u want to spend your life with. It's good to have everything plan out before u actually doing it..becasue last min thought usually creat conflict and argument.

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