Sunday, March 14, 2010

Egg Project Status:FAIL

The egg project was was very interesting, even though my group failed to keep the egg safe. When we first started with the egg, every one in the group had an idea to express. We defined our goal, understood that we needed to keep the egg from breaking and show 50 percent of the egg. I felt we were going through our ideas but played around with the alternatives. We asked if we could connect everything and make a fishing rod like contraption but that plan failed because we needed to let the egg go 10 feet in the air. We played around with our second alternative by make triangles to protect the egg and we went with the idea. But we fail to find the best way by combining the best of the first theory with the second theory. The group's strength was definitely that we gave each person a role when making the contraption. We also in the middle of making the contraption, one of my teammate and I had to try to write up the paper and make sure the paper is in the hand of whoever was dropping the contraption. The weakness was the whole group was trying to make the contraption all at once plus we tried to change the plan a little when we were making the contraption. I felt like the whole group wanted to make the contraption at once so I stepped back and let them do their job while I passed them the tape. After watching everyone let go of their contraption, we felt like we were one the right track with our first theory but then we misunderstood that the egg had to be drop at 10 feet. I felt that if we made our contraption on the first idea, our egg could have survived.


Carlos said...

I also feel like your first idea could have worked. The whole idea of the project was to really think about the objective rather than just jump right into design. I think that the idea the winning team had, came from really putting thought into the objective itself.

Vital Management said...
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Vital Management said...

It was definitely tough to dictate who does what in this project, due to the time factor. Everyone wanted to contribute directly by building the model, but if the duties were more delegated, then perhaps the outcome could have been different. One of the key elements to success is obviously planning. An even more important thing to remember is to fully understand the objective. Everything else is secondary.

Managing Management said...

We were in the same group!! Yes, we should of went with our first idea but we didn't really understand the professor as to whether or not we were allowed to do what we wanted. That's okay though because we still learned a lot and it was a very fun experience. I really liked that we worked well as a team and everyone had a job. Nobody just sat there!

The Fair View said...

Your first idea could have worked; I agree with Carlos that the trick of the task was not the design but the idea. Many groups, including mine, took the planning part in the wrong way. Instead of planning what design can be built that would protect an egg from breaking in a 10 foot drop, we should have thought of how can we get the egg as close to the ground as possible. We were planning correctly, just not about the right thing.

Xiaaaaa said...

I felt if we have more time than we have better chance of making it work.

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