Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Calfornian vs New Yorkers

During my recent trip to California, I have realize that even though we all live in the same country there is a different culture in California than in New York. In New York, everything is very fast pace. Most New Yorkers that I have been surrounded with during my life has been very keen on time. We strive to achieve top speed with efficiency when we work. But when I visited my uncle and aunt in San Francisco, it was really different. Their view of time is that time is plentiful and they should take their time with everything they do. An example of this culture shock is the difference is the speed in when people are walking around the streets. Our usual pace of walking in New York is speed walking and it would always seem like we are in a rush to get somewhere but in California, the people has a very slow walking pace like a turtle. Another example of the culture difference is the way drivers treat pedestrians. In New York if you jay walk and a car is coming, the driver is probably honking at you and probably speeding up until they really need to brake. But in California, the cars actually stop for you even though you don't have the right of way. There was actually a different sense of politeness in California than in New York, While many New Yorkers are irritated by tourist asking for direction, Californians love giving directions and at the same time recommending the tourist places to go. It was quite an experience to see the different culture we have in United States. Just because we all live in the same country doesn't necessarily mean we have the same culture and life styles.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


My name is Victoria Wong and I am a transfer student at Baruch College.
I am currently working as a part time dental assistant in a office in Chinatown. I can fluently speak English and Cantonese. Other than school and work, I enjoy playing handball and tennis and I am willing to try a new sport if it comes up. I love to travel. I am also a food person, I love to eat all different kinds of food. I am that girl that would spend all my money on food rather than clothes. My motto in life is "Do what makes you happy!"